Warmly welcome India partners to visit Siristar Vehicles again,since the last visiting,the advanced technical and professional have got highly satisfied since last visiting.
Today,we are much honor to have a meeting again with their chairman and technical manager too,also so much happy to see our old friend again.

Under the technician direction,the advanced machinery equipment be shown one by one in our QC testing room.

The automatic test motor model test system,this machine can detect the power of the motor.
In addition to these four tests, we also have materials analysis room, salt fog laboratory and other test items.
In addition, we can customize the vehicle according to the customer's requirements.
The compressor,mainly detects the performance of shock absorber springs, plate springs and other accessories.
The high-low temperature experiment box,the oil temperature is mainly tested to detect the oil temperature on the rear axle and absorber.
The shock absorber endurance testing machine,to test a shock absorber, we'll test it a million times.To reach the most accurate conclusion.